participation annonceКлуб "Устойчиво развитие на гражданското общество" е член на редица престижни международни и национални организации.





  memberships 01

European Union Agency For Fundamental Rights

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is an advisory body of the European Union. It was established in 2007 by a legal act of the European Union and is based in Vienna, Austria.

  memberships 02

International Network For Sustainable Energy

INFORSE is a worldwide network consisting of 140 Non Governmental Organisations working in about 60 countries to promote sustainable energy and social development. The Network was established in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 to secure follow-up in the political decision sat the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).

  memberships 03

TRIALOG - development NGOs in the enlarged EU

TRIALOG is a project to strengthen civil society and raise awareness of development issues in the enlarged EU.

  memberships 04

Cities For Mobility

The world wide network for urban mobility

  memberships 05

Danube Enviromental Forum

NGO platform for the protection of the Danube River

 memberships 06  Консорциум Европейски Образователни Семинари
  memberships 07 Съвет за обществени консултации към Комисията по европейските въпроси и контрол на европейските фондове към Народното събрание на Република България