tutrakan tdp annonceAn additional fourth seminar was held on 21-22 May 2019 in the conference hall of the Tutrakan Historical Museum. The event was part of the events taking place within the European Green Week and received promotional material from Brussels.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Danube municipalities, ADO "Dunav", TCC-Dobrich, NGOs, museum officials and representatives of local business. Project Manager Prof.Lucia Ilieva demonstrated the achievements of the Transdanube.pearls project and its contribution to sustainable ecological development of Danube tourism. The concept of GPP (Green public procurements) with a focus on transport was presented and discussed and is expected to be applied to future projects in the Danube region.

For more information: Photos, Invitation and agenda

Warning: No images in specified directory. Please check the directory! Debug: specified directory - http://csdcs.org/02.projects/27.transdanube.pearls/tutrakan/gallery