
ECCENTRIC is a network of cities with a relevant background in sustainable urban mobility. Coordinator of the project is Madrid and participants - 4 more cities - Stockholm, Munich, Turku and Ruse. 29 partners will work together within the local consortia established, 17 Observer cities are already interested in the project development.

CIVITAS ECCENTRIC meets two main challenges:

  1. Innovative solutions for sustainable mobility of people in suburban city districts.
  2. Emission free logistic in balanced urban centers that keep the balance between qualified public space and efficient local economy.

danube programme smallFollowing the “Common Vision for Sustainable Mobility in Tourism” adopted by the partnership of TRANSDANUBE, the projects main objective is to contribute to the development of a Danube region, which provides socially fair, economically viable, environmentally friendly and health promoting mobility for visitors and inhabitants of the region by developing climate-friendly, low-carbon and low-emission, multimodal and efficient transport systems and sustainable tourism services. By improving the possibilities to move along the Danube with environmentally friendly means of transport the project will counteract the ongoing popularity of private car usage and its negative impact on the environment. By better linking the different modes of transport the project will not only contribute to sustainable regional and local mobility but also support the connectivity between the regions, leading to a more balanced accessibility within the Danube regions.

EU-funding programme: Danube Transnational Programme
Project budget: 2,976 Mio. EUR
Project duration: January 2017 – June 2019
Lead partner: Environment Agency Austria

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1. Produce a culture shift in terms of environment for SUMPs in member states and in the organisational culture of transport planning in city authorities.
2. Get ministries and national agencies to play a national leading role on SUMPs, as in many member states these are the organisations from which cities take
their main direction; where ministries are already playing this role, to support and strengthen their approach.
3. To provide mechanisms and tools for Ministries to take this lead role.
4. Analyse clearly the problems of (lack of) take-up of SUMPs – to understand from cities themselves why they are not taken up and then to help cities to
address these barriers.
5. Extend the existing 25-county EU-SUMP-network with at least two more countries
6. Get more cities to take up effective high-quality SUMPs – through cities’ involvement in the project and indirectly through more cities hearing about SUMPs
in their country.
7. Ensure that these SUMPs contain and will lead to implementation of a broad range of innovative sustainable transport measures.
8. Build cities’ capacity to develop and implement SUMPs that genuinely reflect the spirit of the EU SUMP Guidelines, rather than being mandatory documents to
fulfil a requirement linked to major transport infrastructure.
9. Deliver a measurable impact.

The core concept of PROSPERITY is bringing ministries into the project, which will significantly enhance the visibility of the project at the national level and
therefore increase numbers of cities active on SUMPs. Thus PROSPERITY will ensure that more cities commit to SUMPs that are in line with the EU SUMP Guidelines
and that include a broad range of innovative measures. This will generate a high leverage factor, especially in regions and cities where take up is so far low
and the impacts from transport are severe – therefore the majority of PROSPERITY activities is in such regions and cities - thus in southern, central-eastern
and eastern Europe.

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CSDCS is the Bulgarian partner in the ENDURANCE project starting on 1st of May 2013. It is funded by EACI and is the follow up of the EPOMM PLUS initiative. There are 25 partners from 25 EU MS. The new project will create a network of European cities with implemented SUMPs.

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BUMP provides city planners, environmental and technical officers in local authorities, with the knowledge and skills to plan and manage sustainable mobility in urban and peri-urban areas. Moreover, BUMP supports the most committed towns and cities to produce their own Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

National and international events under the project create a network for exchange of experience and training. Participate 9 EU countries, Bulgaria is represented by Club "Sustainable Development of Civil Society".

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SEEMORE demonstrates how local efforts can change the way of access to the resort areas to become more environmentally friendly, safe and healthy for tourists and population.

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The Danube is passing 10 countries on its way to the Black Sea. Therefore, it is one of the most transnational rivers in the world. It is a river full of hi With the endorsement of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in April 2011, the member states declared their will for common action. In line with the objectives of the South East Europe (SEE) Program, “TRANSDANUBE” is aiming at tackeling the weak accessibility levels and poor quality of transport services in SEE as a major constraint for further economic development and growth in the region.

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The main objective is to show companies and their employees the attractiveness of public transport systems compared to car use. Especially in the New Member States, private car ownership is rising rapidly. BENEFIT will address this issue and aims to achieve a modal shift from the car back to public transport, and in the process, achieve substantial energy savings, emissions reductions and cost reductions. 

The project BALKWASTE aims to disseminate knowledge stemmed by the implementation of the EU Waste Strategy on the Balkans. Bulgaria and Romania are used as samples for the implementation of integrated planning of the municipal waste management.


Project PARTNERSHIP FOR BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE in "Triaditsa" aims to promote and implement European practices to improve the quality of life in "Triaditsa" through a partnership between civil society organizations and local authorities.


CSDCS is the Bulgarian partner in EPOMM PLUSS project funded by CIP-IEE 2008 of EACI. This project is a follow-up initiative of EPOMM for building of European platform of mobility management.

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ELTIS+ strengthens the exchange of information and knowledge in mobility management in EU. It supports the creation of energy saving urban systems for increasing the competitiveness of the cities and improving the quality of life. 

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Project CFCU/TR 0801.08-02 - EuropAid/130031/D/ACT/TR: Breaking the Silence: Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities. 

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Project CFCU/TR0703.01-02/FA: FFV Marketing in the Hearth of Mediterranean.


The Traffic Snake Game (TSG) is a campaign developed to encourage walking and cycling to school, with primary school children, and parents and teachers being the main target group. All the schools are pursuing the same goal: more safe and sustainable trips to school!

To spread such practices across Europe was founded TSG network consists of National Focal Points (NFPs) in eighteen countries of the EU. Club SDCS is the Bulgarian partner in the project.