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6th SUMP Conference and Final PROSPERITY Meeting in Groningen

groningen annonceThe 6th SUMP Conference and the Final PROSPERITY meeting were held in Groningen, the Netherlands from 16-20 June 2019. Prof. Lucia Ilieva was invited by the conference organizers as a lecturer on the topic "SUMP and its contribution to the climate change mitigation".

She presented a report on the measures in Varna related to mobility and urban planning as part of their SUMP, which raised interest among the audience of experts and practitioners.

At the partner meeting, the participants took note of the project activities and preparation for the final report. All the work packages were presented and the partners discussed the concrete measures and their results.

For more information: Photos, program, presentation

Warning: No images in specified directory. Please check the directory! Debug: specified directory - https://csdcs.org/02.projects/26.prosperity/groningen/gallery