3rd SUMP Conference and Final meeting of ENDURANCE
CSDCS took part in the 3rd SUMP Conference in Bremen 12-13.04.2016.
CSDCS took part in the 3rd SUMP Conference in Bremen 12-13.04.2016.
In response to the increased interest to SUMPs in Bulgaria, CSDCS conducted 2 dissemination events in 2016 for informing as much as possible stakeholders on BUMP final results.
The TSG progress in Bulgaria was presented during the 3rd national training conducted in the frames of the Annual meeting of municipal experts in education, organized by the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria.
The final meeting of the project partners was conducted in Zaragoza, Spain on 20-21.01.2016 hosted by CIRCE.
The teachers and the children from the Dragoman primary school “Hristo Botev” are preparing themselves to play the TSG in the beginning of 2016.
CSDCS successfully collaborates with several national clusters dealing with some mobility issues. They are already part of the ENDURANCE network.