social equity annonceThe project is funded by OSI - Bulgaria

Taking out from common community activities of several categories of persons, like those with disabilities and ethnic groups, and put them at the “edge of the society” occurs at the apparition of many social problems or conflicts.

Indifferent of the motivation, the adoption of the proper measures in order to offer equal social chances for everyone, is very needed. Different experiences gained by the youth organisations from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldavia, on actions developed in order to change this situation is the main reason for having an informative experience exchange. This activity was be developed in two stages – preliminary research and a huge seminar, held in Bankya – Bulgaria, where participated were 10 NGO-s from Bulgaria, Romania, and the Republic of Moldavia. The seminar consisted of plenary sessions and of activities based on specific modules. As a result a declaration has been signed for further collaboration and common advocacy for protecting the rights of minorities and other disadvantaged groups.


Amount of the project: USD 5100

Dates of the project: October-December 2003

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