youth in support of communityThe project is funded by OSI - East-East Programme.

Purpose proposed: Rising the awareness of the youth from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldavia concerning their role in solving the community problems.

Proposed objectives:

* Rising the involvement of the youth from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldavia in problems concerning community development and the democratic processes;

* Initiation of an long term partnership between the youth from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldavia in support of the democratic development of the communities;

* Providing equal chances for ethnic youth groups and young people with disabilities to participate in the community decisional processes.

The project had 3 main actors: ECOSENS (Romania), as project co-ordinator, Club “Sustainable Development of Civil Society” (Bulgaria) and Raza Soarelui (Moldavia) as project partners. The representatives from youth organisations and NGOs from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldavia took part in the project development, representatives being experts in social, economical and legislative matters, interested in democratic development process of the society, after the eradication of the totalitarian and anachronistic principles, perpetuated by the former communist regimes. Each project partner will co-ordinate the activities developed in their own countries. The experiences gained on local, national or international levels, in this context, must be shared between the representatives of the civil society and local and central authorities, from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldavia. This is the main reason for the development of this seminar. The goal of the seminar is to create the opportunity for a proper exchange of experience between the representatives of the youth organisations and other NGOs from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldavia. In the same time it will be an opportunity to make new contacts between the participants in order to adopt common actions for strengthening the involvement of the youth in solving the community problems. NGOs in Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova have different levels of experience in this field.

Amount of the project: USD 12000

Dates: December 2002 – June 2003

Партньори по проекта са участници от три източно-европейски страни.

 youth map




WEB site

 ECOSENS  Romania  
 Raza Soarelui  Moldavia  
 Club "Sustainable Development of Civil Society"  България  

WEB страници на проекти по градска мобилност

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